[esp-r] Casual gains

wakana-m at ec.hokudai.ac.jp wakana-m at ec.hokudai.ac.jp
Mon Feb 18 09:27:10 GMT 2013

Dear everyone,

I am making a building model.
I am trying to input casual gains.
Now I input the schedule of gains.
The schedule I input was as below;
0:00-9:00  0W
9:00-17:00  1300W 
17:00-24:00  0W

I simulated my model and I checked its result.
The value of gains was as below;
8:30 0W
9:30 650W
10:30 1300W
16:30 1300W
17:30 650W
18:30 0W

I think it takes 2 hours to maximize gains.
I want gains to change every hour like this;
8:30 0W
9:30 1300W
10:30 1300W
16:30 1300W
17:30 1300W
18:30 0W

I attach the excel file about the gains.
How should I input the schedule ?
We would really appreciate your advice.

Best regards,

Wakana Matsumoto
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