[esp-r] Compiling ESP-r for Native Windows - the process updated and documented.

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Fri Apr 27 11:26:58 BST 2012

Hello to the community.  This is a - if you must work
on Windows with ESP-r you might want to read this message....

- With the great James Weir file a project to update how
  Windows computers could be configured to compile ESP-r
  was delayed. As it has been necessary to setup a development
  environment on several W7 boxes the project has been 
- The good news is that setting up Msys and MinGW is much
  simpler than it was in the past and there are new tools
  available to add required packages needed for ESP-r. The
  Window GUI based tortoiseSVN now offers a command line
  subversion so that is brillient as well.
- While setting up a W7 box the individual steps were
  documented and included in the manual/OS/Native_windows
  folder as a .txt file and a .rtf file.  The document
  has been formatted in sections and the hints have been
  updated. Several out of date files have been removed.

Yes you still need to be a bit of a geek to do ESP-r development
work native on a Windows machine. It is in many ways a
less satisfying environment than Linux and OSX or Cygwin.
If you need it you need it.

If you want a copy of the documentation just email me.

-Jon Hand

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