[esp-r] beginner problem with modelling zones

olivia maul olivia_maul at yahoo.de
Mon Mar 28 22:50:26 BST 2011

Dear all,

I just started using ESP-r and I have a problem with modelling zones.
I successfully installed the native Windows version 

But when defining a new zone with the rectangular plan with default (or any 
other) coordinates the wireframe isn't displayed.

So I decided to deinstall and installed an older version I downloaded a couple 
months ago 

(ESP-r_setup_native_windows_gtk_txt_v11_9_trunk_GCC4.exe) . With this version it 
works and displays the wireframe!

So what did I do wrong, that the lastest version doesn't display the wireframes?

My second question is, if it is possible to use Phase Change Materials (special 
materials) within the native Windows version?

Thank you in advance!
kind regards,

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