[esp-r] Re: Res "enquire about" energy balances and CFC

Lomanowski, Bartosz Bartosz.Lomanowski at NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca
Mon Jul 5 18:37:35 BST 2010

Hi Achim,
The following CFC outputs have been configured with res as of ESP-r 11.8:
- inside face convection 
- inside longwave radiation 
- outside face convection
- outside face longwave radiation
- solar transmission
- solar absorption (careful with this one - it does not include all the transparent nodes, only the inside or 'other face' node)
The calculation of these fluxes is sensitive to the presence of a shade layer and the control state of that blind layer (retracted or deployed). You can find the CFC modifications to the standard energy balance in subroutine SURBAL (esrubld/blibsv.F).
I don't have much experience with the "enquire about" options, but the detailed res output (temperatures, surface/ zone fluxes, heating/cooling, total solar entering from outside, etc.) does take into account CFCs. I imagine that the aggregated output functions rely on these as well. 
>>Dear all

>>does anybody have experience with res output when using CFCs? We would
>>especially be interested in the validity of the "enquire about" output
>>available, especially "zone energy balance" and "monthly gains / losses".

>>Thanks for any hints.


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