[esp-r] Gendaylit

Per Haugaard perhaugaard at yahoo.dk
Sun Nov 30 10:41:33 GMT 2008

Dear users,

I know this question is not directly linked to using ESP-r/Radiance but more in installing and making the programmes work as standalone and in coupling. Therefore I hope this is the right forum to post such a question :)

I am using Ubuntu v. 8.10.

I have downloaded and installed Radiance and ESP-r. Both programmes seems to work but there might be missing some libraries to Ubuntu. In order to make the coupling between ESP-r and Radiance, Gendaylit needs to be installed. I have done so by changing the makefile in the Gendaylit package to:

#CCOPTS= -Ae -g     # HPUX


and issued the command 'make'. I have copied the file 'Gendaylit' to '/opt/radiance/bin'  and 'coeff_perez.dat', 'defangle.dat' and 'perezlum.cal' to '/opt/radiance/lib'

To test the Gendaylit file one can issue 'make skyview'. I have done so both as root and as PHA and I get the following errors:

oconv -f sky.rad outside.rad > sky.oct
/bin/sh: oconv: not found
make: *** [skyview] Error 127


oconv -f sky.rad outside.rad > sky.oct
/bin/sh: cannot create sky.oct: Permission denied
make: *** [skyview] Error 2

I must also say that I have added the following to both '.profile'-files in '/home/pha' and in '/root'

#Set PATH for ESP-r and Radiance
RAYPATH= .:/lib:/opt/radiance/lib:/opt/radiance/bin


I suspect that there is something wrong with '/bin/sh' which is listed in Ubuntu 8.10 as symlink 'sh -> dash' and 'sh.distrib -> bash'.

I am afraid to make any changes to the Linux distribution because I am not that familiar with Linux.

Can anybody spot a solution to my problem?

Any help is appreciated.

Best regards

Per Haugaard


Per Haugaard,
Griffenfeldsgade 33, 2.tv
2200 København N

mobil: +45 26 39 06 40
E-mail: perhaugaard at yahoo.dk

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