[esp-r] Re: Bug ?

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Thu Mar 1 12:12:24 GMT 2007

A recent set of questions about generating images of short timestep
building with CFD transient analysis..

::I Have effected a simulation with *CFD* (in *conflation*) for the period
::start 11 Jul, hr 8.00
:: end 11 Jul,  hr 18.00
::*time step 1 minute;*

::I n the module of the CFD results I have corresponded two problems:
:: one pratical and one bad operation ( probably) ;

This is a great question because up to this point few users have
set of frequency of less than 10 minutes for a transient analysis.
When we set up the facility we thought that 99 images would
be more than enough for the studies that people would want
to do (or have the computing power to support). 

 And now people have reached that boundary and it is clear
that there is a growing interest in transient CFD analysis with
full access to the zone and air flow network state variables
for boundary conditions.  

It is time to look at what the new list limit should be.
How long before 500 images is not enough?  An array of 
500K file names would, I think, be comical. 

Perhaps there is an alternative approach
within the code that does not need to "remember" the names
of the images produced?

As a pragmatic fix (while waiting for someone to address
the coding issue) it is worth asking "who decided
that a one minute timestep was required?"  How much resolution
would be lost if a two or three minute timestep was used?

-Jon Hand


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