[myplace-announce] New Myplace Support Topics - Blind Marking and Group Settings for Online Assignments
learning-technologies at strath.ac.uk
Tue Nov 19 17:04:44 GMT 2013
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to two new support articles that have been written in response to recent queries from staff users of Myplace. These relate to blind marking and group settings for the new, single online assignment type on Myplace in use for 2013-2014<http://support.myplace.strath.ac.uk/updates/2013/06/20/myplace-online-assignments-have-changed-at-the-university-of-strathclyde-for-2013-2014/>.
1. Blind Marking: Administrative Tools
The new 'Moodle' assignment type introduced in Myplace this academic year uses true blind marking whereby students have a completely anonymous participant ID rather than registration number to identify assignments. Staff feedback has highlighted that there are scenarios where particular student registration numbers need to be identified, e.g. in order to grant extensions or apply disability adjustments without revealing ALL student identities which is irreversible. Myplace development has therefore been done in consultation with the University's Assessment and Feedback Working Group to allow this, please see the following support article for details:
Please note that we will seek further feedback on this later in the year in order to refine development.
2. Group Settings for Online Assignments
There is now one online assignment type that caters for individual assignments and group assignments. Please see the following support article for details of the distinction between students submitting in groups rather than on an individual basis, and group mode to show submissions group by group, e.g. for staff marking:
Best Wishes
Caroline Breslin
Caroline Breslin
Learning Technology Adviser (Engineering)
Education Enhancement
Room 2.61, McCance Building
Tel: 0141 548 3776
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, Number SC015263
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