[esp-r] Re: Complex fenestration

Georgios Kokogiannakis gkg at uow.edu.au
Mon Mar 11 03:05:43 GMT 2019

Hi Mohamad,

The bidirectional facility in ESP-r that you are referring to was built several years before LBNL Window was able to output BSDF datasets and the data model is different, so unfortunately you will not be able to use the convenient BSDF outputs from the LBNL Window program.

The attachment that Achim sent contains the input requirements for ESP-r's bidirectional facility. This was prescribed by Fraunhofer-ISE at that time and those inputs need some instrumentation to be generated. This paper describes how to generate the required inputs:

While I have not used this facility for a long time, I am confident it should still work well.

Best wishes,

From: esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk <esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk> On Behalf Of Mohamad Rida
Sent: Saturday, 9 March 2019 2:28 AM
To: esp-r at lists.strath.ac.uk
Subject: [esp-r] Complex fenestration

I am in the process of using the complex fenestration feature in ESP-r.
I am wondering if it is possible to use BSDF data (xml format) generated form LBNL Window software in ESP-r? The data needed for solar heat gain calculation through the complex fenestration into the thermal zone as in TRNSYS and E+.

I found a research paper that presents a method for modelling solar gains through complex fenestration, reference below, the paper stated the method is implemented in ESP-r. Is it included in the latest release of ESP-r? Does the model "cellular_CFC" consider that method?

Kuhn, T. E., Herkel, S., Frontini, F., Strachan, P., & Kokogiannakis, G. (2011). Solar control: A general method for modelling of solar gains through complex facades in building simulation programs. Energy and Buildings, 43(1), 19-27.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
Mohamad Rida

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