[esp-r] Re: Converting weather file to EPW

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Tue Apr 24 14:49:43 BST 2018

And EPW files need to be converted to ESP-r weather file format for use in an ESP-r
simulation.  The clm module can do this.  To find out how issue the command clm --help

The command to create an esp-r weather file named new.clm from an eps file 
named current.epw would take the following form:

  clm -file new.clm -act epw2bin silent current.epw

You can then copy the esp-r climate file to your model dbs folder and, in the
project manger databases menu associate that file with your model.

Exercise 3.6 in the Strategies for Deploying Virtual Representations of the Built Environment
takes you through the process.

-Jon Hand
From: esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk [esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk] on behalf of Andrew Cowie [andrew.cowie at strath.ac.uk]
Sent: 24 April 2018 14:31
To: Maki; esp-r at lists.strath.ac.uk
Subject: [esp-r] Re: Converting weather file to EPW

Hi Tomonori,

An EPW file is a plain text document.  “plain text document” (usually) refers to an ACSII file (as opposed to a binary file).  An EPW file is just a particular way of arranging ASCII data, so that programs know how to interpret it.  For example, the top line of an EPW file should look something like this:

LOCATION,Chicago Ohare Intl Ap,IL,USA,TMY3,725300,41.98,-87.92,-6.0,201.0

You should be fine to use the file as it is!

Best regards,
Andy Cowie

From: esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk [mailto:esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Maki
Sent: 24 April 2018 13:38
To: esp-r at lists.strath.ac.uk
Subject: [esp-r] Converting weather file to EPW

Dear all
I have downloaded weather data from EnergyPlus. Even though I selected download as EPW, however it came as ‘plain text document’. Please let me know how to convert the text file to epw, so I can use it to the simulation.

Best regards
Tomonori Makita

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