[esp-r] where to download the installation version of Esp-r software now?

Luo Chenglong xxlong at ustc.edu
Thu Apr 12 09:27:06 BST 2018

Dear all,

When I try to intall the Esp-r software I can't find where to download it
now. It's seems the sources is not given in the website of
'http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk/programs/esp-r.htm'. Could anyone help to
answer where to download the installation version of Esp-r software now? If
possible the native Windows version of ESP-r is expected. Thanks!

Best Regards,


Chenglong Luo

Vice-Director of Institute,

Ph. D., Research Associate Professor,

Research of Solar Energy Application in Building,

Institute of Energy Research of Jiangxi Academy of sciences,

7777# Changdong road, Gaoxin District, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China

Tel: +86 791 88390763, Fax: +86 791 88390763

Email:  <mailto:xxlong at ustc.edu> xxlong at ustc.edu

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