[esp-r] Re: Old Esp-r - and relationship between ESP-r and Radiance

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Fri Nov 6 16:44:26 GMT 2015

Clarification of the relationship between ESP-r and Radiance

The Linux and OSX implementations of ESP-r can export models to Radiance. This
involves starting up a number of radiance applications (there are dozens of the

For Windows - well as far a I know Radiance does not work in the same way
in terms of building all of the tools that ESP-r expects to find. There is an
installer for Radiance on Windows, however this might not include the full
set of executables (like the display tools) and it has not been tested.

If you want to use ESP-r and Radiance together I would suggest Linux or OSX
as platforms.  And it might be that someone in the community knows how to
get the Windows version of Radiance to work with the native Windows version
of ESP-r.  That would be good to know!

Regards, Jon Hand
From: Minh Thach Nguyen [nguyenminhthach2271989 at gmail.com]
Sent: 05 November 2015 16:51
To: Jon Hand
Subject: Re: [esp-r] Old Esp-r

Thank you for writing my messenger .
This is my old version of ESP-r.​
[https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_10_generic_list.png] ESP-r_setup_native_windows_w7_v12_2a.exe<https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3WcOpZ17Rerc3VaMm1RdERrM0k/view?usp=drive_web>[X]
​Please help me . Thank you very much .

2015-11-05 22:35 GMT+09:00 Jon Hand <jon at esru.strath.ac.uk<mailto:jon at esru.strath.ac.uk>>:

Need more information to clarify 'please send to me old version of ESP-r'.  The github
repository is just about to be updated with a new version with lots of improvements to
the interactions with Radiance.  I would wait a few days for that to be in place and take
the source from there.

And clarify 'do make by ESP-r 12.12'.  In what way was radiance model not created?

-Jon Hand
From: esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk<mailto:esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk> [esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk<mailto:esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk>] on behalf of Minh Thach Nguyen [nguyenminhthach2271989 at gmail.com<mailto:nguyenminhthach2271989 at gmail.com>]
Sent: 05 November 2015 13:12
To: esp-r at lists.strath.ac.uk<mailto:esp-r at lists.strath.ac.uk>
Subject: [esp-r]  Old Esp-r

I want to create Radiance file by Esp-r but i could not do make by Esp-r 12.12 . So , please send to me old version of Esp-r to me .

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