[esp-r] multi sensor control law example

Christopher Heard cheard at prodigy.net.mx
Tue May 14 18:19:44 BST 2013

Trawling the mailing list I thought that I had found an answer to my needs

[esp-r] Re: for the network control
Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Fri Feb 26 05:45:23 GMT 2010

"Look for flow law  'multi sensor on/off'  an example
of this is included in the exemplar cellular_hybrid"

My wife insists that I am bad at finding things, but I have searched the 
examples that come with the Windows Native installation - upto date as of 
February 2013 and am convinced that the aforementioned example isn't there 
at least under that name.

Where can I find it or another example of "multi sensor on/off" control?

At present I get an
CFFVAR: mass flow control function
CFFVAR invalid mass flow sensed external condition 1 day type 1 period 3

ctl file:

no overall control description supplied
* Mass Flow
window opening 1
   1  # No. of controls
* Control mass    1
# sensors are nodes Downstairs (  1) & Downstairs (  1)
   -4    1    1    0  # sensor data
# actuates flow connection:  11 SouthDown - Downstairs via ktchwndOpn
   -3   11    0  # actuator data
    0 # day types follow calendar  4
    1  365  # valid Mon-01-Jan - Mon-31-Dec
     4  # No. of periods in day: weekdays
    1    0   0.000  # ctl type (dry bulb > flow), law (on/off setpoint 
100.00 direct action ON fraction 0.000.), starting @
      3.  # No. of data items
  100.00000 1.00000 0.00000
    1    3   6.000  # ctl type (dry bulb > flow), law (multi-sensor: 
normally closed with 2 sensors: For sensor 1 sense node Downstairs setpoint 
21.00 direct action AND sensor 2 ambient T setpoint 21.00 inverse action.), 
starting @
     18.  # No. of data items
  0.00000 2.00000 -4.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 21.00000 1.00000 0.00000 
1.00000 -3.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 21.00000 -1.00000 0.00000
    1    0  10.000  # ctl type (dry bulb > flow), law (on/off setpoint 
100.00 direct action ON fraction 0.000.), starting @
      3.  # No. of data items
  100.00000 1.00000 0.00000
    1    3  16.000  # ctl type (dry bulb > flow), law (multi-sensor: 
normally closed with 2 sensors: For sensor 1 sense node Downstairs setpoint 
21.00 direct action AND sensor 2 ambient T setpoint 21.00 inverse action.), 
starting @
     18.  # No. of data items
  0.00000 2.00000 -4.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 21.00000 1.00000 0.00000 
1.00000 -3.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 21.00000 -1.00000 0.00000
    1  365  # valid Mon-01-Jan - Mon-31-Dec
     3  # No. of periods in day: saturday
    1    0   0.000  # ctl type (dry bulb > flow), law (on/off setpoint 0.00 
direct action ON fraction 0.000.), starting @
      2.  # No. of data items
  0.00000 1.00000
    1    0   9.000  # ctl type (dry bulb > flow), law (on/off setpoint 0.00 
direct action ON fraction 0.000.), starting @
      2.  # No. of data items
  0.00000 1.00000
    1    0  21.000  # ctl type (dry bulb > flow), law (on/off setpoint 0.00 
direct action ON fraction 0.000.), starting @
      2.  # No. of data items
  0.00000 1.00000
    1  365  # valid Mon-01-Jan - Mon-31-Dec
     3  # No. of periods in day: sunday
    1    0   0.000  # ctl type (dry bulb > flow), law (on/off setpoint 0.00 
direct action ON fraction 0.000.), starting @
      2.  # No. of data items
  0.00000 1.00000
    1    0   9.000  # ctl type (dry bulb > flow), law (on/off setpoint 0.00 
direct action ON fraction 0.000.), starting @
      2.  # No. of data items
  0.00000 1.00000
    1    0  21.000  # ctl type (dry bulb > flow), law (on/off setpoint 0.00 
direct action ON fraction 0.000.), starting @
      2.  # No. of data items
  0.00000 1.00000
    1  365  # valid Mon-01-Jan - Mon-31-Dec
     3  # No. of periods in day: holiday
    1    0   0.000  # ctl type (dry bulb > flow), law (on/off setpoint 0.00 
direct action ON fraction 0.000.), starting @
      2.  # No. of data items
  0.00000 1.00000
    1    0   9.000  # ctl type (dry bulb > flow), law (on/off setpoint 0.00 
direct action ON fraction 0.000.), starting @
      2.  # No. of data items
  0.00000 1.00000
    1    0  21.000  # ctl type (dry bulb > flow), law (on/off setpoint 0.00 
direct action ON fraction 0.000.), starting @
      2.  # No. of data items
  0.00000 1.00000

Christopher Heard 

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