[esp-r] thermal mass inside a zone + thickness of walls in geometry

Hannah Neumann hannah.neumann at ise.fraunhofer.de
Wed Oct 19 12:47:48 BST 2011

Dear all,

I have got two questions:

1) Is it possible to insert thermal mass into a zone? I would like to 
exchange the air inside the zone by thermal mass or at least insert 
thermal mass into the zone and reduce the amount of air inside the zone.
If yes, how can it be done?

2) Are the dimensions I define in the geometry-file the inside or the 
outside dimensions of a room? Means, is the thickness of the walls, that 
is defined in the construction-file in any way considered in the 
geometry of the zone?

Thank you very much for your help!
Best regards,

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Hannah Neumann
Division Thermal Systems and Buildings
Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE
Heidenhofstraße 2, 79110  Freiburg, Germany
Phone:  +49 (0) 7 61/ 45 88 - 54 31    Fax:  +49 (0) 7 61/ 45 88 - 91 32
hannah.neumann at ise.fraunhofer.de

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