[esp-r] Using Temporal Data Feature

Denis Fan denis.fan at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 17:14:09 BST 2011

Hi everyone,

I tried to use the temporal data feature to link external temperature,
as well as heating and cooling setpoints in my ESP-r model. I have
successfully linked the external temperature (DBTEXTT) without any
problem, but not with the heating and cooling setpoints (HTCLSETP). I
hope someone can help me out on this.

I can view the setpoints data  from the view/edit temporal entities -
in this case I assumed the tdfa file is fine and shouldn't has any
conflicts in its formatting. I checked I have added the temporal
entity for HTCLSETP and is linked to a 'Match sensed value' control
loop for a particular zone (zone1). The specification of this control
function is as follows:

The sensor for function  9 senses dry bulb temperature in zone1.
The actuator for function 9  is the air point in zone1.
There have been  1 day types defined.
Day type  1 is valid Fri-01-Jan to Fri-31-Dec, 2010 with  1 periods.
Per|Start|Sensing  |Actuating  | Control law       | Data
   1  0.00 db temp   > flux      Sensed temp setpts  2.0 3.0
Match sensed values (ideal:2 setpoints) heating setpt col. no. in tdf
2.00 cooling setpt
col. no. in tdf 3.000


Zone to contol loop linkages:
 zone ( 1) zone1      << control  9


Values 2.0 and 3.0 are used here, as column 2 and 3 from the tdfa file
has the heating and cooling setpoint values respectively. I run a
simulation, but the zone air temperature doesn't matched with the
setpoints, and the result is more behaving like using free floating.
Wondering whether I have done something wrong? Many thanks.


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