[esp-r] gendaylit

glbrune at polimi.it glbrune at polimi.it
Mon Sep 12 03:12:12 BST 2011

Dear list,
a question on the Radiance setup. I know that the topic has already  
been mailed in the past, but I didn't find definitive answers.

In my present installation of ESP-r+Radiance, Radiance isn't able to  
save the .rif file and the .sky files.

About the .sky files, I suppose that the problem may be related to  
Gendaylit. And about the .rif files, I hope that the problem may be  
related to the lack of .sky files.

I can see no errors in the way I compiled gendaylit and placed its  
contents in the Radiance (bin and lib) folders, and the same is for  
the declaration of the RAYPATH environment variable in the bash.bashrc  
file of the shell in Linux; but evidently there must be some errors in  
the way I have set up the programs. It is two or three years that I  
don't use Radiance, but I don't remember to have had this kind of  
problem in the past. I only hope that the issue is not due to the fact  
that my ESP-r system is compiled from the source, since I always have   
troubles in running the pre-compiled version in my Linux Mint (Helena)  

Suggestions are very welcomed.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards

Gian Luca Brunetti

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