[esp-r] looking for people to test a new installer for the Cygwin version of ESP-r.

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Thu Feb 10 06:57:50 GMT 2011

The installer for the Cygwin version of ESP-r is a text based script. And you have to run it within the
cygwin environment. Not so nice for some people.

 I just made an installer for the Cygwin version of ESP-r which runs as a standard Windows installer.
It includes instructions about how to setup Cygwin and what you have to do within Cygwin after the
ESP-r Installer has run. It even starts up Cygwin at the end of the process so that you can
test if the Installer has done its job correctly.

I have done test installs and found that the Installer works best if existing native windows versions of ESP-r
are removed prior to using the ESP-r Cygwin installer (chaos iif you have both on one machine). 

Anyway I want to find out if this kind of installer is a better option than the *.run file normally used
for Cygwin.  One current limitation is that I do not know how to give an option for X11 or GTK
within this new kind of installer.  It might be possible to do this with the ISTool and Inno Setup

If you are able to try it out and comment on the process that would be great.  Send me an
email and I will send you a link to a dropbox file that you can download.

Regards, Jon Hand

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