[esp-r] radiant and convective split for occupants

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Tue Dec 14 09:22:02 GMT 2010

I am updating some documentation about occupants in buildings related to
the radiant and convective split of sensible gains and I find that there are
a number of exemplar models that simply default to 50% radiant.  If I look
at the exemplar models that come with EnergyPlus I see most of them
are setting the radiant fraction of occupants to 30% and at least one
paper  mentioned 40%.

A Google search comes up with suggestions for what the sensible
is but mentions of how it is distributed seem to be well hidden.  In densely
populated spaces this must have an impact.

Does anyone have some or know about ...
 a) opinions that they would like to share
 b) some references that discuss this
 c) some papers that talk about it

Regards, Jon Hand

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