[esp-r] Re: ESP-r - Control loop (Wkd, Wknd setpoints)

Georgios KOKOGIANNAKIS Georgios.KOKOGIANNAKIS at nottingham.edu.cn
Sun Sep 6 14:42:18 BST 2009


if you only want to use the ideal/basic control law you can use the temporal definitions file option (model context menu -> impose measured data). There, you can define your setpoints from an external file (e.g. a csv file) and they can vary at any way that you want. Check the CEN 15265 validation tests that come with ESP-r if you want to see an example of how to set this up.
If you want to use other types of control laws then somebody should develop something similar as this for the basic controls (probably not a difficult task).

Best regards,

From: esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk [esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Briana Paige [briana.paige at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 11:26 PM
To: esp-r at lists.strath.ac.uk
Subject: [esp-r]  ESP-r - Control loop (Wkd, Wknd setpoints)


I'm trying to run a simulation that has different weekday and weekend temperature setpoints for heating and cooling season. As far as I can tell each control loop can only have one set of weekday, Saturday, Sunday setpoints. Since each zone can only have one associated control loop, I am unsure of how to go about this.

Other than running the simulation twice for cooling and heating season and changing the associated control loop each time, is there a way to do this?


Briana Paige Kemery
Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Carleton University
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