[esp-r] ESP-r 11.6 and Radiance in Cygwin

Christian Anker Hviid cah at byg.dtu.dk
Fri Jun 5 10:05:33 BST 2009

Hello ESP-r community
I am trying to use ESP-r/Radiance. I have tried ESP-r/Radiance from the Learnix boot-CD (version 11.5) and it works ok. However when I use version 11.6 in Cygwin, install precompiled Radiance from Bozzograo.net and set my PATH, ESP-r is unable to generate the sky description file giving me a number of errors like 'no such file or directory', hence obstructing any visualization. Obviously something is not placed in or does not point to the right directory. The visualization module has been changed from version 11.5 to 11.6, so maybe it's a glitch introduced in 11.6 or is there another explanation? Radiance works flawlessly.
Best regards
Christian Anker Hviid
Industrial PhD candidate
Technical University of Denmark
Brovej, building 118
DK-2800 Lyngby
Phone DTU: +45 4525 1886
Phone Alectia: +45 8819 1365
Mail: cah at byg.dtu.dk

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