[esp-r] Re: Increasing the number of zones in ESP-r and a source code workshop after IPBSA 09

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Wed Jun 3 10:30:26 BST 2009

The steps are:

Backup your current working ESP-r distribution.

a) go to the source code folder and issue the command  "make clean"  to get rid
of the current executables and object files.

b) make a backup copy of include/building.h

c) edit include/building.h and change the parameter MCOM  (this number should be less than 99
to avoid input/output glitches)

d) re-install the esp-r distribution using the Install script.  It is suggested
that you do not overwrite the standard version of ESP-r. Use the Install script
directive to nominate a different location for this new version of ESP-r to live.  After
compiling adjust your PATH environment variable to point to the new location.  If you
need to use the standard version then adjust the PATH back.

e) gradually work your model up to full complexity, testing as you go.


After the IBPSA 09 conference in Glasgow (probably on the next monday or tuesday)
there will LIKELY be a session for software developers which will cover a number of
issues - source code control, testing, setting up development environments on
different computers and operating systems.

If you have an interest in such a session email Jon Hand  jon at esru.strath.ac.uk

-Jon Hand

From: esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk [esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Paulo Filipe de Almeida Ferreira Tavares [ptavares at isec.pt]
Sent: 03 June 2009 10:02
To: esp-r at lists.strath.ac.uk
Subject: [esp-r]  Increasing the number of zones in ESP-r

Hi all!

I'm working with the source code of ESP-r. The project that i'm working with has about 70 zones (it´s a really big and "complicated" building - with zones that have very different occupancies and uses). How can i increase the number of zones? What i have to do before re-compiling the source code?

A few time ago, Jon send a message where he refer a model with 70 zones and the time need to do a complete simulation!...

Can someone send me some tips?

Best regards,

Paulo Tavares

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