[esp-r] Re: Some questions about ESP-r surface energy balance

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Tue Apr 21 08:07:09 BST 2009

I give some answers for surface energy balances that were recently asked.

Part of the problem is the use of abbreviations in the reports.  The contextual
help message within the results analysis module for this topic could be improved.

  -Jon Hand

::I have some question to use ESP-r.

::First, I wanted to check the solar heat flux[W/m^2] through external
::window so I checked the 'SW radiation (inside)' in  Result analysis
::window -> Performance metrics -> surface fluxes
::Is that right?

SW radiation inside is the solar radiation that hits the room-side face of the surface from radiation
within the room (e.g. diffuse solar bouncing around in the room and direct solar radiation that
has entered the room.

::And second is.. what is the SW rad abs (other fc)? .. and SW rad incid (other fc), LW radiation (inside) ?

The first is short wave radiation absorbed on the other face of the surface
The 2nd is short wave radiation incident on the other face of the surface
The 3rd is long wave radiation at the inside face of the surface

::also what is the meaning 'inside' and 'other fc' ??

The term inside is the face of the surface which is in contact with the zone air. The term
other fc is an abbreviation for other face of the surface.

:My thought about 'inside' is that inside means the flux passed from outside(ambient) to inside... is it correct??

To get information on how much solar radiation comes into a room a better report would
be the 'solar processes' report that includes solar entering the zone from the outside, solar absorbed in the zone
and solar entering from adjacent zones.

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