[esp-r] Re: ESP-r source code

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Mon Apr 6 12:14:37 BST 2009

A question about how to install esp-r from source code.

I'm working with a compiled version of ESP-r (for Linux), but in the few time i must work with the source code. How can i install ESP-r with the source code? I haven't understand how to use a sub-version... And what is the one that i need to install... What is the function of this?

There are a number of PDF documents included with the ESP-r distribution
which give advise on how to download the source of ESP-r and Install
it.  On the download page of the ESRU web site is a link to ESP-r Central
which provides a number of links.

Installing subversion on a Linux machine is typically done via the package
installer that comes with your specific Linux distribution. The tool svn may
already be on your machine.  Find this out via the command
  which svn

If there is a response to this command then you can issue the svn checkout
command mentioned on the ESP-r Central page.  If you do not have
subversion on your machine use the package manager and install it.

You will also need a set of compilers - the GNU compilers are often
included on Linux machines.  You will need the GNU g++ gcc and gfortran

Once you have the compilers installed then the simple form of Installing
esp-r only takes a few steps:
   cd the_place_where_esp-r_source_is
   ./Install -d the_place_where_you_want_esp-r_installed

And there are many options in the Install script which you can find by giving the command
   ./Install --help

If the Install script fails it will usually give some messages which can be used
to identify what additional work needs to be done.

In the source distribution there is a folder named archive and the PDF documents
in that folder provide some information.  There is also a folder manual/OS
where there are more hints about setting up different types of computers.


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