[esp-r] Re: ... climate files ...

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Mon Feb 9 09:39:43 GMT 2009

A number of questions about climate files....

::been looking into ESP-r for a number of years, decided to give it a real
::try now. First hurdle is climate file conversion. Found a bunch of EPW
::files for EnergyPlus, trying to convert them to ESP-r binary using the
::following command:

::clm -mode text -file USA_TX_San.Antonio_TMY2 -act epw2bin silent

::The file USA_TX_San.Antonio_TMY2 does get created, and I seem to be able
::to use it in esp-r - for example, I can display the dry bulb temperature
::and relative humidity in a graph. However, I am worried the "EOF" error
::in the above output somehow indicates a  corrupted file
::USA_TX_San.Antonio_TMY2, possibly leading to wrong results. Any clue
::what that error is all about (I get this no matter whether LF or CRLF
::terminate the lines in the EPW file)?

If you can graph the data the read was sucessful.  The EOF is literally that
the scanning got to the end of the file it was importing.

::Secondly, the above EPW file has rather old data, and the longitude in
::it appears to be wrong. So, I found a bunch of newer TWY3 files, but
::they are in CSV format (722530TY.csv for San Antonio). However, I do not
::know how to turn a CSVfile into something usable by ESP-r. Any ideas?

We have not yet tried to scan the TWY3 files.  But the Department of Energy
did recently update a number of their EPW files with newer sources so it could
be that the San Antonio file was not the newest one available.  It should not be
rocket-science to scan the TWY3 file, but it will take writing some code to do
the conversion and some testing that the data read is correct.  Perhaps
someone in the ESP-r community will take this on as a project.

::Thirdly, is there any reference manual that documents the command line
::options of the various modules, such as the ones above for clm? It was
::by pure chance that I happened across the above command.

Start any tool with the command option -help.  E.g.  clm -help

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