[esp-r] Re: timedependent behaviour of control loop

Georgios Kokogiannakis georgios at esru.strath.ac.uk
Mon Nov 10 09:44:11 GMT 2008

Hi Christian,

this is actually a very good question. I recently faced the same issue for one 
of the CEN validation tests that asks for time shifting between winter and 
summer for both heating and cooling calculations.
The answer is: yes, it is possible. It really though depends what type of 
control you need to use. If you just want ideal controls you can use the 
"imposed measured data" option in the "model context" menu and you can define 
setpoints for every timestep of your simulation. This way you can, for 
example, account for the time shifting between winter and summer. However, 
only heating setpoint is allowed in the standard distribution of ESP-r. 
If you want to assign heating and cooling setpoint at the same time then you 
will need to checkout my branch with a subversion client (email me if you 
need more details on this). I have used this control and it improved 
significantly my results for the validation test.
Aizaz Samuel recently improved the standard control loops to accept more day 
types (you will have to checkout his branch for this) but this will still not 
do what you want.

Hope this helps,

On Monday 10 November 2008 09:05, Christian Anker Hviid wrote:
> Hello ESP-r users
> This may be a stupid question but I am wondering what happened to the
> different day type index numbers? Index 1-3 still exists as weekdays and
> sat and sun. But what happened to 4-7?
> This leads to my true question: is it possible to specify different
> behaviour for summer and winter for a weekday/sat/sun control loop? In some
> places 52 different loops - one for each week - are mentioned as an option,
> but how would you do that in a smart way? In other simulation programs you
> can specify a hierarchy of control loops, but this is not possible in
> ESP-r.
> Best regards
> Christian Hviid, DTU
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