[esp-r] combination of plant and airflow network

Tobias Zitzmann tobias.zitzmann at ise.fraunhofer.de
Wed Aug 13 15:50:10 BST 2008


in our institute we are trying to use a plant and an airflow network in 
ESP-r at the same time in our model:
The plant network should work as a supply and exhaust system of a 
building which itself consists of many zones. The air flow network 
should calculate the air flow through the building at the same time.
Can anybody give an advice on how to connect (i) plant and airflow 
network at their interfaces and how to connect (i) plant to zones when 
the building exists of MANY zones. The examples in ESP-r didn't help, 
since they are based only on ONE air zone.
We would appreciate if anybody could help. Thanks in advance


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