[esp-r] Re: actunate "Radiance Desktop Panel" ?

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Wed Jun 18 08:37:37 BST 2008

A user asked about coupling of Radiance and ESP-r
during a simulation and gave a specific example

::I use ubuntu 8.03 and installed the "esp-r" and "radiance" packages. Esp-r and radiance work well separately.

::I open an examplar file, /opt/esru/espr/training/cg_ctl/coupling/coupling.cfg, 
::(i)then click "casual gain control" -->
::(ii)then click edit, display "lighting control scheme" -->
::(iii)then click exit, display "index 1 > number of zones..."-->
::(iV)click continue, another "index 1 > number of zones..." pop out--> 
::(V)click continue, display "zone list,number of menu items too small"-->
::(Vi)click continue, display "could not find sensor loacation and orientations"-->
::(Vii)click continue, "radiance desktop panel" pop up.

::I think where are some problems in step (iii) to (Vi),

::What do "index 1 > number of zones..." and "zone list,number of menu items too small" mean? and why that examplar"could not find sensor loacation and orientations"?

It is likely that the example model is out of date. This is a facility
that was actively working several years ago but there are only a
few people that used this and it is possible that the facility is
unstable and requires to be debugged. 

There are two possible ways forward - to use a different (newer) model
to see if the issue was the model and if that give problems to locate
someone in the community who knows Radiance daylight coefficients
well enough to provide guidance for debuging the code.

There are other techniques for daylight control in ESP-r that
do not require the use of Radiance and it might be necessary to
use those until such time as the daylight coefficient method
is checked out.

Regards, Jon Hand

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