[esp-r] Re: Question

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Wed Apr 2 22:48:53 BST 2008

A recent question about a warning...

This message appeared for a particular zone. Could anyone advise how to deal with it?
WARNING: in ..\zones\circu1.geo:     3  60   0   0
                                                  the 1st recv surf value (60) > normal maximum 28!  


This is in a zone geometry file and the line of data is related to a user directive
about how to treat solar radiation distribution within  the room.  The first number
is a 3 with signals that a fully diffuse distribution is requested. The 3 should
be followed by three zeros.

If the first number on that line was something other than '3' the 2nd and 3rd 
numbers would point to the index of one or two surfaces that should get
the direct sunlight.

The specific error that 60 > 28. There are 28 surfaces in the room and so
there is no surface 60 in this room.

If you used a text editor to change the 60 to a 0 that should correct
this error. Or if you use the prj interface to re-specify that you want
diffuse solar distribution that should cause the file to be re-written

-Jon Hand

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