[esp-r] Re: "slab-on-grade hydronic floor" to activate concret slabs

Laouadi, Aziz Abdelaziz.Laouadi at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Fri May 25 14:34:02 BST 2007

Dear Monika,
Your are right in node numbering of slab layers.  I missed the common
node in my fist reply!
A Laouadi 



From: Hall Monika [mailto:Monika.Hall at josef-gartner.ch] 
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 5:06 AM
To: Laouadi, Aziz; esp-r at lists.strath.ac.uk
Subject: RE: [esp-r] "slab-on-grade hydronic floor" to activate concret

Dear Mr. Laouadi,
I checked your numeration with my model. I have 2 layers of concret:
1 layer: concret
2 layer: concret with pipes placed in the centre
With your numeration the pipes are at node 5, but my model does not work
with node 5, it works with node 4.
After doing some research in the book of Mr. Clark and the thesis of Mr.
Nakhi it is clear:
"Each layer of material is represented by two surface nodes and one
central node. The two surface nodes at the layer interface are combined
into one heterogeneous control volumen represented by a central node."
That means for my model
Layer 1: node 1 (surfac in contact with ground or air), node 2 (centre),
node 3 (surface in contact with layer 2)
Layer 2: node 3 (surface in contact with layer 1), node 4 (centre with
pipes), node 5 (surface in contact with air)
Best regards


From: Laouadi, Aziz [mailto:Abdelaziz.Laouadi at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 3:46 PM
To: Hall Monika; esp-r at lists.strath.ac.uk
Subject: RE: [esp-r] "slab-on-grade hydronic floor" to activate concret

Dear Monika,
The "injection node number" means the node in the construction layer
where heat is injected in or retrieved from (in other words, the
position of the water pipe in the layer).  Note that ESP-r uses three
nodes per construction layer and the node numbering starts from the
Example: insulated slab on grade:
Layer 1- insulation in contact with ground: node 1 (surface in contact
with ground, 2 (centre) and 3 (surface in contact with slab).
Layer 2-concrete slab in contact with interior environment: node 4
(surface in contact with insulation, 5 (centre) and 6 (surface in
contact with room air).
So if pipes are placed in the centre of slab, the injection node number
will then be 5.
Note, you may add additional layers on top of slab, or you may
sub-divide a thick slab into a number of sublayers to get more accurate
results.  In this case, just follow the node numbering as explained
above or in ESP-r manual.
I hope this helps.
A. Laouadi


From: esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk
[mailto:esp-r-bounces at lists.strath.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Hall Monika
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 7:40 AM
To: esp-r at lists.strath.ac.uk
Subject: [esp-r] "slab-on-grade hydronic floor" to activate concret

Dear esp-r users,
I use the plant component "slab-on-grade hydronic floor" to activate
concret slabs. Does anybody know what the parameter " Injection node
number (integer)" means? 
I down loaded the report from Mr Laouadi:
"Development of a radiant heating and cooling model for building energy
simulation software", but I did not found what it could be.
It would be nice, if somebody could help me.
Best regards
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