[esp-r] Re: Zone limitation/ control limitation?

Jon Hand (clcv10) jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Tue May 15 15:31:50 BST 2007

Recent question on injecting heat or extracting heat from a
node in a partition....

> 1. To simulate the activated ceilings (in simplest form), i place the
> actuator in the middle node of the  concrete ceiling with an ideal
> heating/cooling control.
Currentlly zone controls which actuate within a construction only
work for surfaces that face the outside or the ground.  The bookkeeping
is incomplete for injection of flux into a partition separating two  

There are two alternatives:

a) use the thin zone method which is demonstrated by the cellular_flh
     (cellular offices with idealized floor heating) exemplar.

b) associate a plant system component with the construction (which
     conceptually works, but there is not yet a clear exemplar  
     how this works).


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