[esp-r] Re: Setting up new methods in ESP-r

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Fri Mar 9 21:01:26 GMT 2007

A recent question about MZSETUP....

::I am working on adding window shading models into ESP-r and have a general 
::question about difference equation set up in MZSETU. 

This would be a great addition to ESP-r and it is a topic which will have 
a number of impacts.  Possibly others are also interested in and/or
working on this topic.

And probably this is worth a brief discussion at the
soon-to-happen ESP-r developers conference.  

Could the author of this email please forward a synopsis of the work 
being planned and the method proposed and the places where
code interventions are planned so that others in the 
development community have a 'heads-up' on this.


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