[esp-r] Re: result analysis

Jon Hand (clcv10) jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Fri Jan 26 16:25:46 GMT 2007

A recent question about an apparent time shift in reported
ambient temperatures between zones and flow nodes....

> using different result analyses (zone results and flow results) I
> encountered the following problem: The output of the ambient air
> temperature within the zone results is shifted by one hour compared to
> the output values of the ambient air temperature in the flow results.

The underlying graphing code is different between the section
that works with zones and the interface section that works with
air flow predictions - it is concievable that this could cause a
one timestep shift in how the information is graphed which
you have spotted.

No one else has reported this so the task is to find out if there is
anything special about this model. For example if you have
turned on a timestep controller for the flow solver then the
offset could be a bug.

If "abmient air temperature" is the temperature of the air
from the climate file then both sections of code will be
scanning the climate file - there is a subtle difference in
the time domains when the zone and flow domains
are being solved and the solvers are mature and subjected
to lots of testing.  Graphing the results is a separate task
and if there is a bug in that it would not be the same as
a bug in the original solution.

To clarify this - run one simulation with a one
hour timestep and a 2nd simulation run at a 10 minute
timestep and look at the results to see if the "shift"
exists and if it is ten minutes or one hour.

And it would also be useful to do a timestep listing
of the data as well as graphing it and it might also
be useful to use the climate analysis tool to graph
or list out the day of climate data to get a better
idea about which value is "the truth".

Let us know what you find out.


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