[esp-r] Re: Is there any documentation on plant components?

Gunnar Thöle thoele at ifc-collegen.de
Tue Dec 5 13:22:07 GMT 2006

Yahiaoui, A. schrieb:
> hi,
> The only doc that I am using at this moment is "esp-r_cookbook.pdf"
> in which it can be found on ftp ESRU's server:
> ftp://ftp.strath.ac.uk/Esru_public/documents/
> I would be also glad if you would let me know whether other documents
> are available.
In my experience Esr-r is probably the most complete simulation package 
One example, a friend of mine is currently developing a computer tool to 
calculate view factors for vehicle cabins.
That's basically useless because the mrt module already does it faster 
and easier...

But it is definitely lacking in documentation!

To help a bit:

This is a summary of all ESP-R related documentation i found at least a 
bit helpful.
Hoping this is of use for other ESP-R users.

Introductory stuff
The ESP-R cookbook

The example models
(in Project manager: Open exemplar, then pick one of the easier examples)

The web-based training course from ESRU (highly recommended!)

More stuff
Two documents trying to explain the Esp-r data model (sadly not really 
explaining the plant network data model...)
Find them in /usr/esru/esp-r/manual/Data_model
(somewhere else on native Windows installs)

The userguide:
(also included within the distribution somewhere)

The databases explained:
Run the ESP-R database manager, pick a database, click "Browse or edit 
this file" then use the online help of the relevant database module to 
try and figure out stuff.

Highly advanced, black-magic style stuff
The ultimate guide to everything, also known as The Sourcecode:
(Shock horror, it's in Fortran!)
Install a subversion client, then look here:

The good practice guide for Developers:

More or less all of those documentation files can be found on this page:
(and loads more)


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