[esp-r] Re: graphical results

Jon Hand (clcv10) jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Thu Nov 23 12:33:16 GMT 2006

A question about results output....

A user plotted data at one minute timesteps during simulation and  
then compared
these to what the results analysis said.

One issue is that the header of the graphs captured from the results
analysis module says simulation at 60m and output at 60m.  Res thinks
that the simulation was carried out one timestep per hour and the
results were saved once per hour.

There is a toggle in the simulator that (if you are running multiple  
time steps per
hour) whether you want to average the results to one timestep per  
hour.  If
you ask it to do this the information that is saved is the average  
for the
hour rather than the data at each minute.


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