[esp-r] Non-homogeneous glazings and .TMC files

Ali Syed AL864728 at DAL.CA
Mon Oct 23 15:37:39 BST 2006

Hi All,

I have a question regarding defining a zone with non-homogeneous glazings.
In one of the model, I have One Pane and Two Pane windows distributed on the
four sides of the house.
The .TMC file mismatches with the .MLC databases and .CON  file, halting the

The problem appears to be that the .TMC file appears to read (or
match) the very first glazing type, but gives a mismatch error for the
remaining window types.

Is there a way around this? Can we manually add to the TMC file some indicies to
recognize the other window types?

Any sample .TMC files that have more than one glazing type would be helpful.


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