[esp-r] Re: Intra-fabric temperature

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Sun Sep 10 20:32:37 BST 2006

A recent question about accessing temperatures within constructions...

::I have conducted simulations for a multi-layer construction. In the result analysis/ graph facilities/ intra-fabric/ , I am trying to plot the temperature profile at the each layer of this construction. However, the following message appeared:

::The save option associated with the currently assigned result set is not 3; consequently this command is not available.

::Can anyone kindly explain what does it means?

In the simulator the user can define the level/quantity of performance
data that is saved to the results file. These so-called 'save levels' are
what this particular warning message in the results analysis module
is referring to. 

There is a save level 3 which specifically records the temperature in 
each of the layers of each of the walls in a model - which is what you 
need to have to plot the temperature profile.  Note that there is an animation mode
that steps (somewhat quickly) through the simulation and graphs the temperatres
through a surface that is sometimes both entertaining and educational.

And we will be looking at the warning message to see if we can provide
a bit more of a clue as to what should be done to run a simulation at
an appropriate level of detail for temperatures within walls.


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