Mailing Lists

No such list gs-filmscreenings

Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the right list name appended.

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List Description
aca-heads All University Academic Heads of Department
all-staff All University of Strathclyde staff
all-staff-aca All University of Strathclyde Professional staff
all-students All University of Strathclyde students
all-students-ja All University of Strathclyde students at the John Anderson campus
announce Announcements of system and network changes, downtime etc
bus-faculty All Faculty of Business staff
bus-faculty-aca All Faculty of Business academic staff
bus-itstaff Faculty of Business IT Staff
chemistry-chemedgroup Strathclyde Chemical Education Group
chemistry-seminars-announce Pure & Applied Chemistry Seminar Announcements
Christian-Union Strathclyde Christian Union Mailing List
classreps Class/Course representatives
collins-events Collins Gallery events announcements
compstaff Discussions list for departmental computing officers
directors Directors
edu-enh-directorate All Education Enhancement Directorate staff
energy-theme-assetmanagement Announcements and discussion of events and opportunities related to the asset management and condition monitoring sub theme in energy
eng-faculty All Faculty of Engineering staff
eng-faculty-aca All Faculty of Engineering academic staff
ewb-members Engineers Without Borders Strathclyde branch members
fencing Strathclyde University Fencing Club
glamm-announce GlaMM (Glasgow Multiscale Modelling) group announcements list
hass-faculty All Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences staff
hass-faculty-aca All Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences academic staff
hass-faculty-support All Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences support staff
hssrc-announce Announcements for tenders on HSSRC framework
ipv6-dev ipv6 development
lammps-discuss LAMMPS users in Glasgow area discussion list
lombc Laich O'Menteith Boat Club
ma-ecn-chat Early Career Network in Maths and Stats
me-space Advanced Space Concepts Lab
myplace-announce Myplace announcements mailing list
ops-staff All University of Strathclyde operations staff
pg-bus Faculty of Business postgraduate students
pg-eng Faculty of Engineering postgraduate students
pg-hass Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences postgraduate students
pg-international All University of Strathclyde international postgrad students
pg-sci Faculty of Science postgraduate students
pg-students All University of Strathclyde postgrad students
pgi-pte University of Strathclyde Postgrad Taught Experience survey
pgi-students All University of Strathclyde postgrad instructional students
pgr-students All University of Strathclyde postgrad research students
polska General discussion list for Polish interest at Strathclyde
press-update Updates from the Press Office
professors All University of Strathclyde professors
resnet-announce System announcements for student residences
rse-announce Announcements about events organized by the Research Software Engineer community
rse-discuss Discussions of the Research Software Engineer community
rse-help Get advice and support from the Research Software Engineer community
scholarships-update Updates regarding Scholarships
sci-faculty All Faculty of Science staff
sci-faculty-aca All Faculty of Science academic staff
sern-announce Announcements of events for members of SERN
seso-announce SESO announcements
seso-discuss SESO discussions
sircc-info For SIRCC-related information and updates
sp-gender-subtheme-announce Announcements for Gender subtheme of Society & Policy Strategic Research Theme
stardust-announce Announcements for H2020 ETN Stardust-R
strathml-discuss discussion of machine learning activities at Strathclyde
StrathSurf Strathsurf list
stud-exp-directorate All Student Experience Directorate staff
subc Strathclyde University Boat Club
sustainable-strathclyde-announce Announcements regarding sustainability events, etc
technical-staff All Technical staff
timetabling-update Updates from the Coordinated Timetabling Project Board
ug-bus University of Strathclyde Business School undergraduates
ug-eng University of Strathclyde Faculty of Engineering undergraduates
ug-hass University of Strathclyde Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences undergraduates
ug-international All University of Strathclyde international undergrad students
ug-sci University of Strathclyde Faculty of Science undergraduates
ug-year1 University of Strathclyde year 1 undergraduates
ug-year2 University of Strathclyde year 2 undergraduates
ug-year3 University of Strathclyde year 3 undergraduates
ug-year4 University of Strathclyde year 4 undergraduates
ug-year5 University of Strathclyde year 5+ undergraduates

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