[myplace-announce] Myplace Downtime Tuesday 21 August 2012 from 9am - 1pm (2012-2013 Classes only)

learning-technologies learning-technologies at strath.ac.uk
Tue Aug 7 17:33:20 BST 2012

Myplace Downtime Tuesday 21 August 2012 from 9am - 1pm (2012-2013 Classes only)

Following the Myplace upgrade in June 2012, further releases are planned and server maintenance is required. This is scheduled for Tuesday 21 August 2012 between 9am and 1pm during which time 2012-2013 classes on Myplace will NOT be available. Note that only 2012-2013 classes will be affected, all 2011-2012 classes and those from other previous years will be available as normal.

* The downtime is required for essential server maintenance.
* Following the downtime, an upgraded version of the Myplace 'theme' will be introduced to improve look and feel based on user feedback and in line with the new University brand.
* In response to user feedback, a new class list block will show class lists with 'tabs' for each academic year.
* Classes for each academic year can still be assigned by the user as 'favourites' to appear at the top of the list at login by clicking the 'star' icon which appears at the left hand side of each class in a list when the mouse moves there.

Please contact the Learning Technology Enhancement Team if any further information is required.

Best Regards

Caroline Breslin
learning-technologies at strath.ac.uk<mailto:learning-technologies at strath.ac.uk>

Caroline Breslin
Learning Technology Adviser (Engineering)
Student Experience and Enhancement Services
Room 2.22 Graham Hills Building
40 George Street
Tel: 0141 548 3776
Office Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri
The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, Number SC015263

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