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Dear All,<BR>
I am completely new in ESP-r and from 2 weeks I try to install it... I am relay frustrated.<BR>
Last time I have install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (with polish language version) and I am trying install ESP-r using this document:<BR>
Installing Ubuntu 10.04 & 11.04 for use with ESP-r: <A HREF="http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk/Downloads/ESP-r_linux_binaries/Ubuntu_for_esp-r.rtf">http://www.esru.strath.ac.uk/Downloads/ESP-r_linux_binaries/Ubuntu_for_esp-r.rtf</A><BR>
But I get some error (below in green, bold text is translation of polish words).<BR>
Could you help me or advise (write) me the easiest way to install this program?<BR>
Karol Bandurski<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">karolb@IIS-ZOK-191:~/Src/cvsdude/development_branch/src$ sudo ./Install -d /usr/esru --gcc4 --reuse_ish_calcs</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">[sudo] password for karolb: </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> ESP-r installation script.</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Please consult the README file before commencing </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> installation. This script will rebuild the ESP-r</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> modules on your system. You can abort this process</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> at any time by pressing <control> c.</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> XML output support enabled.</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Warning: Library libxslt could not be found.</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> XSLT formatting support disabled. </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Please answer the following questions. Default answers</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> are in []. To accept the default, press return. </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Your computer identifies itself as Linux </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> and processor as i686. </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Is this information correct (y/n)? [y]</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">y</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> ESP-r can be built with the Sun Fortran 90, GNU or </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> intel compilers.</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Compiler: </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> (1) Sun fortran 90 (cc and f90)</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> (2) GNU fortran (gcc 4.X and gfortran)</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> (3) Intel fortran (icc, icpc and ifort)</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">2</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Install with experimental XML output support? This may </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> significantly increase simulation run-time. (y/n) [n]</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">y</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> XML output enabled for bps</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Graphics library: [2] </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> (1) GTK graphics library</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> (2) X11 graphics library</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> (3) no graphics library (text-only application)</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">2</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> ESP-r can optionally retain debugging symbols and </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> object files for use with a debugging program such</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> as GDB.</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Retain debugging symbols? (y/n) [n]</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">y</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Install ESP-r database files? (y/n) [y]</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">y</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Install training files? (y/n) [y]</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">y</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> The ESP-r directory tree does not exist at /usr/esru,</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> or may have been corrupted. The following directories are</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> required: </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> /usr/esru/esp-r</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> /usr/esru/esp-r/bin </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> /usr/esru/esp-r/climate </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> /usr/esru/esp-r/databases </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> /usr/esru/esp-r/electric_loads </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> /usr/esru/esp-r/lib </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> /usr/esru/esp-r/manual </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> /usr/esru/esp-r/xsl </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Do you wish to create the ESP-r directory tree at</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> this location? (y/n) [y]</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">y</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Proceed with installation of esp-r modules (y/n) [y]?</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">y</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Installing ESP-r system. This may take some time.</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> - gathering versioning information from svn... Unavailable!</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">mv: nie można przenieść `/home/karolb/esp-r.desktop' do `/home/karolb/Desktop/esp-r.desktop': </FONT><FONT COLOR="#008000"><B> </B></FONT><FONT COLOR="#008000">Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu </FONT><FONT COLOR="#008000"><B>(No such file or directory)</B></FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> - building disableGccFPE... Done.</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> - building enableXML... </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> ERROR: could not build executable enableXML! </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Compilation messages follow: </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> ----------------------------------------- </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">Compilation of enableXML on wto, 28 lut 2012, 17:12:42 CET</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Make command:</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> -------------</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> make MCTYPE=lin MCC=gcc MCPL=g++ MFC=gfortran DESTdir=/usr/esru ESPdir=/usr/esru/esp-r WWLINK=unshared EXE= XINSTALLDIR=/usr CFLAGS=-I../include -I../shocc -I/usr/local/include -I../cetc/h3kreports -I/usr/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/local/include/libxml2 -I/usr/include/libxslt -I/local/include/libxslt -DLIN -DX11 -g FFLAGS=-I../include -I../shocc -I/usr/local/include -I../cetc/h3kreports -DLIN -DX11 -g -fno-automatic -DGCC4 LD_FLAGS= ULIBS=-L/home/karolb/Src/cvsdude/development_branch/src/lib -lversion -lfpe -lxesru -L/usr/lib -lX11 -lXML -lstdc++ -lxml2 xml_status= -f Makefile enableXML >>.make_msg 2>&1 </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Make output:</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> ------------</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">cd `pwd`/lib; \</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">        make the_libH3KReports</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">make[1]: Wejście do katalogu </FONT><FONT COLOR="#008000"><B>(entering directory)</B></FONT><FONT COLOR="#008000"> `/home/karolb/Src/cvsdude/development_branch/src/lib'</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">rm -f ConfigureH3kReports.F ;</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">ln -s `pwd`/../cetc/h3kreports/ConfigureH3kReports.F . ;</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">gfortran -I../include -I../shocc -I/usr/local/include -I../cetc/h3kreports -DLIN -DX11 -g -fno-automatic -DGCC4 -c ConfigureH3kReports.F</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">rm -f TReportsManager.cpp ;</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">ln -s `pwd`/../cetc/h3kreports/TReportsManager.cpp .;</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">g++ -I../include -I../shocc -I/usr/local/include -I../cetc/h3kreports -I/usr/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/local/include/libxml2 -I/usr/include/libxslt -I/local/include/libxslt -DLIN -DX11 -g -c TReportsManager.cpp</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">make[1]: g++: Polecenie nie znalezione </FONT><FONT COLOR="#008000"><B>(command not found)</B></FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">make[1]: *** [TReportsManager.o] Błąd 127 </FONT><FONT COLOR="#008000"><B>(Error 127)</B></FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">make[1]: Opuszczenie katalogu </FONT><FONT COLOR="#008000"><B>(leaving directory) </B></FONT><FONT COLOR="#008000">`/home/karolb/Src/cvsdude/development_branch/src/lib'</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000">make: *** [enableXML] Błąd 2 </FONT><FONT COLOR="#008000"><B>(Error 2)</B></FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> ----------------------------------------- </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Install: Fatal error. </FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Executable enableXML could not be built!</FONT><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#008000"> Installation aborted.</FONT>