tester.pl Test Report Testing commenced on 21/07/2011 15:53:53 Test parameters: - Test suite path: /home/snikoofard/esp-r_src/Sara_Nikoofard/tester/test_suite/plt_solar_collector/ - Abbreviated runs: disabled Test System Information: - Username: snikoofard - Host: quad-core1 - Platform: i686 - Operating system: Linux:2.6.24-24-generic bps binaries: - Path: (reference) quad-core1:/home/snikoofard/esru/esp-r/bin/bps (test) quad-core1:/home/snikoofard/esruDHW/esp-r/bin/bps - SVN source: (reference) Sara_Nikoofard@r6901 (locally modified) (test) Sara_Nikoofard@r6903 (locally modified) - Compilers: (reference) gcc-4.1/g++-4.1/gfortran-4.1 (test) gcc-4.1/g++-4.1/gfortran-4.1 - Graphics library: (reference) X11 (test) X11 - XML support: (reference) Supported (test) Supported - Modifiation date: (reference) 2011-07-21 12:38:46.000000000 -0300 (test) 2011-07-21 13:42:06.000000000 -0300 - MD5 Checksum: (reference) a3f63e61a17cfac742b41319b722d0ad (test) ffb730ab20e01024c6eac02851bd71d9 (files differ) Compared output: .csv .data .h3k .xml files Overall result: Fail. Summary of test results: - '-' indicates test case passes - 'X' indicates test case fails - '.' indicates files were not produced, or were not compared ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Folder Model .xml .data .csv .h3k overall dt-CPU(%) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ plt_solar_collector IPH - . X - X 2.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parameter dt-CPU describes the percent change in simulation CPU runtime between the reference and test versions of bps. - When different versions of bps are exercised on the same machine, dt-CPU is a measure of the relative efficieny of the ESP-r source code. - When the same version of bps is exercised on different machines, dt-CPU is a measure of the comparative performance of ESP-r on different hardware and operating systems. =========== Comparison of XML results ================= No differences were found in XML output. Detailed report unnecessary.