<p>Dear All,</p>
<p>I'm a beginner of ESP-r.<br>I make research with Japanese building by ESP-r now.<br>I've already made some simulations.<br>I can get the zone temperatures and heat/cool/humidify flux, etc.<br>But I can't get the surface flux (convection, LW radiation, SW radiation),<br>
In surface flux window, I can select every surface flux parts, as well as other date.<br>After the result analysis, all values in surface are zero. (It takes very long time.) <br>Do I need any other steps to get surface flux in result analysis?<br>
Or, Do I need any other setting when I make the model?<br>Every suggestions are appreciated.</p>
<div>Regards,<br>Keisuke Tsuji, Hokkaido Univ, Japan</div>