Hi all,<br><br>I dont be able to use correctly Database material;<br><br>In my directory databases there is the file <i>materil.db3.a;<br><br></i>when I start to run esp-r,<i> databases materiale ERROR NIE IDESC Record 601,</i><br>
so I try to convert in file binary but then the file material.db3 dont possible to access; <br><br>so I use option g) ascii >> memory import <br>and so I have my material.db3.a <br>but then in my model if I make some modification (insert new component) in the new access the modification isnt remeber;<br>
<br>can someone help me ?<br><br>Thank you in advance<br>Best Regards <br>Giulio B.<br> <br> <br><i><br></i><br><br>