<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Dear usergroup,<br><br>I am doing a simulation on a hotel where several zones (rooms) are facing the same zone (the same wall in the hallway). <br><br>My questions is can this be modeled in ESP-r or do I need to subdivide the wall in the hallway to match the number of zones facing the wall and can this be done easily?<br><br>Any help is appreciated.<br><br><br>Best regards<br><br>Per Haugaard<br><br>______________________<br>
Per Haugaard,<br>
Griffenfeldsgade 33, 2.tv<br>
2200 København N<br>
mobil: +45 26 39 06 40<br>
E-mail: perhaugaard@yahoo.dk</td></tr></table><br>
<hr size=1><br><table><tr><td> Få en billig laptop. Se Kelkoos gode tilbud <a href=http://dk.yahoo.com/r/pat/mm>her</a>!</td></tr></table>