[esp-r] Problem in installing ESP-r on sparc 10

francois vallete f.vallete at gmail.com
Fri Feb 5 04:53:25 GMT 2016


Can someone help me out in solving this following installation problem:

 Make output:
cd `pwd`/esruaco; make
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/frcois/trunk/src/esruaco'
gfortran -Wl,--reduce-memory-overheads -o  aco -I../include -I../shocc
-I/usr/local/include -I../cetc/h3kreports -DSUN -DOSI -DX11
-fno-automatic  -DGCC4 h3kmodule.o startup.o aim2_module.o aco.o
acocalc.o acoesp.o arrow.o ascii_mat.o c2fdum.o common3dv.o
CDBPlugins.o CDBCommon.o CDBExplore.o cread3dv.o ctlexp.o ctread.o
dossupport.o e3dviews.o econstr.o edatabase.o edcondb.o egeometry.o
emfnetw.o enetmisc.o eroper.o esru_misc.o esystem.o filelist.o item.o
mfcdat.o nwkrewr.o pltcfg.o readaco.o readBCF.o readTrnsys.o rwipv.o
rwsbem.o sort.o  tdfile.o -L/home/frcois/trunk/src/lib  -m32 -lversion
-lxesru -L/usr/openwin/lib -lX11 -lXML  -lSQLite
/usr/ccs/bin/ld: illegal option -- reduce-memory-overheads
usage: ld [-6:abc:d:e:f:h:il:mo:p:rstu:z:B:CD:F:GI:L:M:N:P:Q:R:S:VY:?] file(s)
        [-64]           enforce a 64-bit link-edit
        [-a]            create an absolute file
        [-b]            do not do special PIC relocations in a.out
        [-B direct | nodirect]
                        establish direct bindings, or inhibit direct binding
                        to, the object being created
        [-B dynamic | static]
                        search for shared libraries|archives
        [-B eliminate]  eliminate unqualified global symbols from the
                        symbol table
        [-B group]      relocate object from within group
        [-B local]      reduce unqualified global symbols to local
        [-B reduce]     process symbol reductions
        [-B symbolic]   bind external references to definitions when creating
                        shared objects
        [-c name]       record configuration file `name'
        [-C]            demangle C++ symbol name diagnostics
        [-d y | n]      operate in dynamic|static mode
        [-D token,...]  print diagnostic messages
        [-e epsym]      use `epsym' as entry point address
        [-f name]       specify library for which this file is an auxiliary
        [-F name]       specify library for which this file is a filter
        [-G]            create a shared object
        [-h name]       use `name' as internal shared object identifier
        [-i]            ignore LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting
        [-I name]       use `name' as path of interpreter
        [-l x]          search for libx.so or libx.a
        [-L path]       search for libraries in directory `path'
        [-m]            print memory map
        [-M mapfile]    use processing directives contained in `mapfile'
        [-N string]     create a dynamic dependency for `string'
        [-o outfile]    name the output file `outfile'
        [-p auditlib]   identify audit library to accompany this object
        [-P auditlib]   identify audit library for processing the dependencies
                        of this object
        [-Q y | n]      do|do not place version information in output file
        [-r]            create a relocatable object
        [-R path]       specify a library search path to be used at run time
        [-s]            strip any symbol and debugging information
        [-S supportlib]
                        specify a link-edit support library
        [-t]            do not warn of multiply-defined symbols that have
                        different sizes or alignments
        [-u symname]    create an undefined symbol `symname'
        [-V]            print version information
        [-Y P,dirlist]  use `dirlist' as a default path when searching for
        [-z absexec]    when building an executable absolute symbols
                        referenced in dynamic objects are promoted to
                        the executable
        [-z allextract | defaultextract | weakextract]
                        extract all member files, only members that resolve
                        undefined tor tentative symbols, or allow extraction of
                        archive members to resolvetweak references from
                        archive files
        [-z altexec64]  execute the 64-bit link-editor
        [-z combreloc]  combine multiple relocation sections
        [-z defs]       disallow undefined symbol references
        [-z direct | nodirect]
                        enable|disable direct binding to shared object
        [-z endfiltee]  marks a filtee such that it will terminate a filters
        [-z finiarray=function]
                        name of function to be appended to the .finiarray
        [-z groupperm | nogroupperm]
                        enable|disable setting of group permissions
                        on dynamic dependencies
        [-z help ]      print this usage message
        [-z ignore | record]
                        ignore|record unused dynamic dependencies
        [-z initarray=function]
                        name of function to be appended to the .initarray
        [-z initfirst]  mark object to indicate that its .init section should
                        be executed before the .init section of any other
        [-z interpose]  dynamic object is to be an `interposer' on direct
        [-z lazyload | nolazyload]
                        enable|disable delayed loading of shared object
        [-z ld32=arg1,arg2,...]
                        define arguments applicable to the 32-bit class of ld(1)
        [-z ld64=arg1,arg2,...]
                        define arguments applicable to the 64-bit class of ld(1)
        [-z loadfltr]   mark filter as requiring immediate loading of its
                        filtees at runtime
        [-z muldefs]    allow multiply-defined symbols
        [-z nocompstrtab]
                        disable compression of string tables
        [-z nodefs]     allow undefined symbol references
        [-z nodefaultlib]
                        mark object to ignore any default library search path
        [-z nodelete]   mark object as non-deletable
        [-z nodlopen]   mark object as non-dlopen()'able
        [-z nodump]     mark object as non-dldump()'able
        [-z now]        mark object as requiring non-lazy binding
        [-z nopartial]  expand any partially initialized symbols
        [-z noversion]  don't record any version sections
        [-z origin]     mark object as requiring $ORIGIN processing
        [-z preinitarray=function]
                        name of function to be appended to the .preinitarray
        [-z redlocsym]  reduce local syms in .symtab to a minimum
        [-z rescan]     rescan archive list until no further member
                        extraction occurs
        [-z text]       disallow output relocations against text
        [-z textoff]    allow output relocations against text
        [-z textwarn]   warn if there are relocations against text
        [-z verbose]    generate warnings for suspicious processings
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [aco] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/frcois/trunk/src/esruaco'
make: *** [aco] Error 2
 Install: Fatal error.
 Executable aco could not be built!
 Installation aborted.

gcc version 4.9.2  and gfortran along with all the  libraries required
for the installation were installed and used. we tried many ways but
still the problem remains the same. So any help would  be appreciated

Thank you

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