[esp-r] question for ESP-r+Radiance users

Gian Luca Brunetti gianluca.brunetti at polimi.it
Thu Sep 15 09:56:31 BST 2011

Dear list,
I am trying to measure the radiance  at a point in a scene with Radiance 
with the command "rtrace", but I always get values "0" if the given 
point is inside a zone. I get  values > 0 only if the point is outside 
the building.

This happens with every model I have tried. For each of them, an .oct 
file had been created and tested with an interior rendering.

Here I take as an example the case "bld_simple.cfg" in the Esp-r's 
simple exemplars.

Now I enter the Esp-r Radiance Desktop and let as usual Esp-r do the 
work for me with Radiance, obtaining a scene prepared for an interior 
rendering, and thus also a working .oct file.

Then I issue in bash the following command to test the radiance of a 
sensor positioned at coordinates 8, 5, 1.5 (thus, inside the room) 
looking upwards (0 0 1):

      echo 8 5 1.5 0 0 1 | rtrace  reception_Intern.oct

and I obtain the following result:

      0.000000e+00    0.000000e+00    0.000000e+00   
But if I now place the point outside the room, say at position 10, 5, 
1.5, I obtain:

      9.416492e+00    9.416492e+00    1.147933e+01

Does anybody have an idea of why is this?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards

Gian Luca Brunetti

Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento BEST
via Bonardi 11
20133 Milano
02 2399 5750

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