[esp-r] Re: Window u-value temperature dependency in ESPr

Francesco Frontini francesco.frontini at polimi.it
Mon Feb 8 08:40:12 GMT 2010

Dear Achim and group,
thank for the information, but sorry for the question:
what do you mean with:
"...the other two are called heat flux upwards and downwards, it should be a
 what are these values? I normally define the same value for all the three

I also saw that it is possible to define (in the constructions menu)
"non-linear properties" with a "thermal configurations file". Do you have
any idea of that? Maybe I can define a polynomial function for the
temperature dependence of the resistance. But I am not sure!

Thank you very much in advance


Dr. Francesco Frontini, MEng PhD in Buildings Engineering

Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE
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