[esp-r] Recent changes in source distribtion (develoment branch)

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Thu Oct 8 09:21:06 BST 2009

This email is being sent out to the esp-r list because announcements within
the developers group currently are not getting to everyone and there have
been some recent changes that users may wish to hear about.

Also, those of you who like to build from source to take advantage of the
changes that have just been introduced will find that the current development branch
address has changed.  To check out the current development_branch use the

  svn checkout https://espr.svn.cvsdude.com/esp-r/branches/development_branch

Below is the summary which you might not have gotten via the regular channels:


- Code changes to improve robustness of graphics on 64 bit
  machines. These changes reduce syntax warnings and users
  should find fewer crashes.

- With change in the default compiler to GCC 4.1+ a number
  of sensitivities have been reported, particularly in the
  case of the GTK version of ESP-r.

  Debug sessions identified a number of array bounds issues
  as well as string buffer overflows and logic was added to
  trap these. This should lead to fewer crashes, especially
  with GTK versions of ESP-r and with GCC 4.1+.

- Code tidy was undertaken to removal of unused parameters in
  subroutine calls, remove references to old include files
  and consolidate duplicate C functions in the lib folder. This
  reduces syntax warnings and clarifies the code. Users would
  not notice these changes.

- Code documentation extended and variables made explicit and
  re-named for clarity in a number of common blocks which have
  beeen moved into header files. Developers will notice better
  documentation and less code clutter. Users will not notice.

- Consolidated code blocks for dialogs browsing for files for X11
  and GTK interface and increase robustness of these dialogs. This
  reduces code clutter as well as ensuring that these dialogs
  work consistently for users.

- In testing with GCC 4.3 for Native Windows found sensitivity
  to modules which attempted to write debug information to
  console. Pass through source commenting out debug statements
  or directing such statements to application feedback. Developers
  will find debug statements more clearly identified and users
  will find some messages are now available in the text
  feedback of the application rather than hidden in the console
  and applications are less likely to crash on Native Windows.

- Introduced file browsing for model configuration file if
  the res module cannot locate it. This has been a major confusion
  for novices and will simplify training workshops.

- General upgrade for shading and obstruction entities to
  support additional obstruction rotations and a generalized six sided
  obstruction type. Revised data structures to hold all model
  obstructions in memory (to reduce file input and output frequency).
  Also moved obstruction data structures into a header file. Eliminated
  a number of repeated calculations in ISH. Consolidated trace reports.
  These changes have resulted in a step change in the shading module which
  should allow for further consolidation in the future.

  Geometry file format now supports additional types of obstructions
  and obstruction names can be a bit more verbose. These new data
  types have also been implemented in the ESP-r META file format.
  This change will reduce the number of file types needed by models.

  Added a parameter option for the ish module so it can use
  existing ASCII shading files rather than recalculate shading. This
  has been implemented as an option in the Install script with
  a substantial savings in time to build ESP-r. A number of
  pre-computed ASCII shading files have been added to the repository
  so that they can be used and a tester model sloped_obstr added.

  Developers will find a quicker build cycle and may find it convenient
  to include the exemplar models and validation models in their
  development cycle. Users are now able to represent sloped obstructions
  and tree shapes as well as having faster calculations.

- Revised code to reduce the number of times geometry files are
  scanned, in particular when drawing wireframe views. In general,
  references to common blocks holding model-wide data structures
  are being used more often. Users will notice faster re-draws in
  complex models.

- Consolidated a number of existing documents in the archive folder
  and extended examples and discussion to form a Developer Guide.
  Original documents have not yet been removed. Some developers have
  commented that the Guide was useful.

- Updated most exemplar models and validation models to the current
  file formats as well as extended their documentation. Users will
  find some of these models are easier to understand and some models
  which were problematic now run correctly. Developers will find removal
  of clutter in some model folders.

- Configuration files now include the name of the so-called
  special materials database (useful for PV integrated facades
  and phase change materials) and users can open and edit this
  file from within the project manager.

- Changed default image display to ImageMagic. The earlier assumption
  of xv did not match the tool set normally found in Unix/Linux.

- Updated Install scripts to reflect the new location of the
  ESP-r repository.  This re-enables version reporting.

- The tabular listing and/or export facility in the results analysis module
  can now handle about 20 columns of data within the application text
  feedback or about 24 columns of data when exporting to file.

Regards, Jon Hand

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