[esp-r] Re: using measured data with ESP-r.

Jon Hand jon at esru.strath.ac.uk
Thu Apr 2 09:02:35 BST 2009

A question about importing data on infiltration heat gains...

::How can I use external file describing eg. infiltration variation (coming from other software or measurements), internal ::temperature, heat gains etc. (such option was available in older versions..)
::I know it is possible when the schedules are imposed, but what about time dependent variability?

This facility is found in the project manager in the context -> impose measured data
menu.  Essentially this allows you to import column data from an external file
into a data structure within ESP-r which can then be associated with a topic
(e.g. wind speed, casual gains, infiltration) at simulation time.  The interface
in the project manager allows you to manage a collection of timestep data and
associate it with parts of your building model.

This used to be in a separate module TDF but was moved into prj recently. It
now allows the time frequency of the data to be different from the timestep
of the simulation.

The context help messages within the project manager should provide most
of the information you need.  There are quite a few steps required so it
may take a few iterations to gain skills in this area.

An example model is included in the folder

-Jon Hand

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