[esp-r] Re: Contaminant peaks

Radek Górzeński radoslaw.gorzenski at put.poznan.pl
Wed Apr 1 12:36:32 BST 2009

Dear all!

Thank you for your answers concerning contaminant peaks.

I have tried smaller time steps - different combinations of zone and
contaminant time steps - even as small as half minute - and received the
same contaminant peaks. I also say no to 'hourly results integration' when I
set the timestep.

I have analyzed CO2 example cellular_contam in training folder. I have
changed all occupant gain to same level in each period and created two sets
of *.opr files: first with only one period a day, second with several
periods (of same occupant gain). The differences and contaminant peaks can
be easily seen in results, although results should be the same.

In my model I try to use time dependant constant mass (#5) - a fixed mass
(kg/s) of contaminant added within a user specified interval. With single
period it works proper. But if I use more periods it looks like ESP-r
multiplies contaminant mass flow by the number of left periods. For example,
with 20 periods defined, I have to divide the #5 period constant mass flow
value by 15 to get the proper contaminant level as a result, and so on. It
works for single contaminant source model, but not for more sources one.

Your advice will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Radek Gorzenski
Poznan University of Technology

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