[esp-r] network flow problem

NALIN SWAROOP nalin_swaroop at iitb.ac.in
Wed Apr 1 07:01:39 BST 2009

Hello all

I am trying to learn the network flow module of esp-r
I have created a single zone building of dimensions 5.6 * 4.6 * 2.8
The room has no windows, only two cracks on the east and west walls
I have edited the climate file to change the wind speed to a constant
value of 5 m/s flowing in west to east direction
For cracks I am using the type 120 (crack width, crack length, dP )

I have made three nodes: 1.Room  2.east wall 3.west wall

Two crack components

Two connections:
1. room(+ve node) and east wall(-ve node) through eastcrack
2. room(+ve node) and west wall(-ve node) through westcrack

every things runs properly and there is no error during simulation but the
problem is when I see the results there is no inflow or outflow i.e every
value related to mass flow volume flow is zero in the output.
I have tried changing the crack type to large opening type still there is
no flow
please help


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