[esp-r] Contaminant peaks

Radoslaw Gorzenski radoslaw.gorzenski at put.poznan.pl
Mon Mar 30 04:40:57 BST 2009

Dear all,

I simulate contaminant levels in single room with casual occupant gains and constant mass flow rate component. I use #6 “personal CO2 emission” as a source/sink model in *.ctm file. Time steps are 6 minutes for both zone and contaminant simulation.
With single period in *.opr file the contaminant level is a straight line of proper value.
As I try to use more periods in *.opr file - even with same gains in each period I get strange peaks in contaminant level. I put the diagrams with the contaminant value for 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24 periods a day on www: http://www.gorzen.poznet.com.pl/espr/peaks.htm. My model is also available to download: http://www.gorzen.poznet.com.pl/espr/cont.zip

Something wrong with my model?

Below are some lines from my *.opr file with 4 periods a day.

     4   # number of casual gains in day type: weekdays    
# type, start, stop, sens, latent, rad_frac, conv_frac
    1,   0,   6,    540.0,    180.0, 0.500, 0.500
    1,   6,  12,    540.0,    180.0, 0.500, 0.500
    1,  12,  18,    540.0,    180.0, 0.500, 0.500
    1,  18,  24,    540.0,    180.0, 0.500, 0.500

Flow is constant all the time, gains are the same in all periods. What is wrong?

The only way I see to do it correctly is to add source as #6 personal CO2 emission model answering no to the questions "Take metabolic rates from occupancy casual gains (defined in operation files)" and then to describe the number of people, activity level and occupation time. Then it works proper, without any peaks. But it is not the solution. I can not simulate separate CO2 emissions for weekdays and Sundays.

Radek Gorzenski

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